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Our resident foxes include Pearl, Iris and Robin. They were born on a fur farm and destined to be slaughtered for their coats. Miraculously, they were rescued from that fate, only to find themselves the victims of terrible neglect. They lived in tiny, filthy cages (as small as 2x2 feet) and when they finally arrived here, they were very frightened and in poor physical condition. It took some time, but today, they are happy, healthy, playful foxes.
Most wild foxes that come to Abbe-Freeland are injured adults or orphaned kits. Once they ready, they are released back into the wild.
Did you know?
Red foxes are canine-like, while gray foxes have many feline characteristics
Red foxes hunt primarily at dusk and dawn and do not climb trees; gray foxes hunt by night and do climb trees
Foxes have vertically oriented pupils that allow it to see in dim light and they hunt in a similar manner to a cat, by stalking and pouncing on prey
Foxes have sensitive whiskers and spines on their tongues. They also walk on their toes, which accounts for their elegant, cat-like gait.
When raising their young, they live in small families called a "leash of foxes" or a "skulk of foxes." Otherwise they tend to be solitary in the wild
Foxes face many perils in today's world, including cars, loss of habitat, trapping and, of course, being hunted as "pests." Ironically, foxes hunt what most people would consider true pests: mice and other small rodents. Foxes are also raised for their fur and are kept in very cruel and inhumane conditions. Luckily for U.S. foxes, the British "sport" of fox hunting never became popular here.
Your tax-deductible donations help us give these wild ones a second chance.
We appreciate any amount you can give.

Pippin is our friendly fox ambassador! Like many of the other foxes here, he was saved from a cruel and senseless death at a fur farm. He ended up at a another sanctuary and served as their educational fox for many years. When that sanctuary closed, one of the volunteers there suggested we take him in and we were thrilled to be able to offer him a loving, lifetime home.